My 3 year old cat doesn’t seem to play much with toys so I thought I will spend a bit more money this time and get him an Interactive Cat Toy instead. I found the Spot’s Flippin Squirrel Toy at Winner’s and it cost me a little more than 20 bucks!

The company claims that the toy moves like a ‘Real Prey’ and it comes with a USB Charger and Catnip. There is a small zip around the bottom of the toy that you need to unzip to be able to charge the device. Also within the pocket there is a small bag of catnip as well.

I charged the device for about an hour and turned the device on and put it on the ground. As soon as you turn the toy on, the tail does move like a squirrel however the toy doesn’t itself move forward much. The motion continues for a short period and triggers again if you move the toy a little bit.
To see how my cat responds to the toy – I placed it around a corner and my cat immediately took notice of it. He came closer to the toy after a while, smelt it but then just stopped, didn’t really try to do anything and just went away.

It also seems that my cat is quite scared of the toy when it moves. I have tried turning off the movement and see if I place the toy on a height somewhere maybe my cat will try to play with it but no.

It has been more than two weeks since I bought the toy but haven’t really seen my cat play with it at all. I also tried to put more catnip on it but even that hasn’t helped unlike other toys where my cat picks the toy immediately sometimes.
I have had some other toys from Spot before (non-interactive) and some of them my cat has played a bit more however with this one my cat didn’t really interact at all.
I think this was a bad purchase for me as I expected more out of this one especially as it is priced a lot higher than the usual cat toys in the market.

Tom Mehra, an Ottawa-based Software Engineer with a Masters in Information Systems from the University of Texas at Dallas, shares insights on local food spots and top attractions in Canada and the US. He’s also a former resident of the US, UK, and India, and in 2023, his blog was nominated for an Ottawa Award by Faces Magazine. He is also a cat sitter.
What type of charger to use with my cats skinneez? wall or computer? size?
Either should work with it.